WebGL Photo Filters
An exploration of achieving common photo filters and effects with WebGL and GLSL. This was later expanded into a series of articles where I break down the GLSL functions.
An exploration of image processing with GPU shaders in the browser.
A preview of various projects I've led, and tools I've built.
An exploration of achieving common photo filters and effects with WebGL and GLSL. This was later expanded into a series of articles where I break down the GLSL functions.
Nmblr is a real-time collaboration platform for research and discovery in pharma. I led the construction of this greenfield project with a focus on building an interactive and real-time app with drag-and-drop functionality throughout.
Led development of Cables, A no-code node based animation tool for creating shaders in the browser.
A showcase of open source variable typefaces that you can use on any project.
InMySize is a streetwear shopping app that shows users clothing from multiple stores that are currently in stock. Sizes are continuously updated using Node-based crawlers.
A collection of experiments in WebGL, Canvas 2d and Blender. Click through to view interactive experiments.